- Are there any funds whose investment strategy is way ahead of yours?
- What size should your trustee committee be, and are your peers running more efficiently?
- Are you aiming to appoint an adviser, but haven't been able to assess real world performance?
So many questions and it's not easy to answer some of them without some serious research. How much time do you have? provides the information and tools to enable you to answer those questions easily and quickly. We have gathered four years detailed information on local authority pension funds and provided an easy way to get to the information you need. Use a simple search form to select funds by criteria such as membership, capital value, or administration costs. Examine in detail the financial history and check out the advisers to those funds. The trustees and advisory panels are listed, and you can easily view the professional advisers and follow adviser/client relationships with a single click. More complex searches allow you to formulate your own selection criteria by building up a series of calculations that can then be applied to your population.
The results can be exported to a spreadsheet for further analysis or to create graphs for use in your reports.